Hallowed Be Thy Name | Heavenletters #6378

Hallowed Be Thy Name | Heavenletters

JUL 13 2018

God said:

Beloved, you are vital to Me. You are My integral gift to Me, you Who art also My Self. You are true to My heart. You are a blessing I cannot keep to Myself. I never wish to keep you a secret. You are for sharing, and so I share you. I share My Self with you. Since We are One, and there is I, the One, then there is yourself, also My One Self. I share you in Oneness. There is naught else I can do. When I say: “Hallowed be thy name,” this is exactly what I mean to say.

I read over every word of a Heavenletter again and again. I recall you. I take you to My heart. I keep singing a song of you. I hold you out to Myself. I kiss My hands that hold you out to the Universe. I am in gratitude to you, that is, to My Self. What do you imagine I would do but to be beholden to you for the miracle I made without any fuss about it? You are My Self. You give Me and the Universe and everyone in it a great return – a return of Beingness Itself Originally Given. I account for Oneness simply.

I ponder you. That is, I relive the grace within which I found you, or, from which I discover you as a key to Myself without having any lock to turn. You are a divine key to the Universe. You are.

I hold you up to My window and embrace you again and again with such joy and wonder at what a marvel of a Creator I AM. I am true to My Self. I gaze upon the good again and again that I welcome, that I more than welcome, that I adore as My Self and find I cannot put down. I keep you within a briefcase close to My heart. Hallowed am I in you.

When I call you divine, you can believe Me.

We are a mutual offering. There is only One in the whole Universe. I have not made a dozen or a million or more of Me – just One in My completeness. I look into the mirror of Myself, and here I Am, you and I as One beautiful Being. You are ready for your Self and ready for the Oneness of Me as I display My Self in you.

What could be easier than Oneness? There isn’t much to it. You don’t have to pat Me on the back. Pat yourself on the back, even as the reality is that One and One is One. There is no doubling. The addition and multiplication and subtraction and division are awry. They are a fly in the ointment.

There is one Whole. There is no accounting or mathematics to fiddle with. Of course, I understand that you have thought otherwise. In fact, I keep telling you that Oneness Alone Is. Hunting for answers is no longer necessary, Beloved. Oneness is what is. Happiness is declared. The deal is sealed.

Oneness can’t be taken apart. There is nothing insular about Oneness. There is no way to slice Oneness open. In the eyes of the poet, no man is an island.

Furthermore, no God is an island unto Himself. Secrets do not exist. Love is no secret. Love abounds, and naught but love exists. What have you imagined Oneness was cooked up to be if not love?

What do you think happiness is anyway? Happiness is of the greatest simplicity, and happiness is built into the Oneness of One. There is nothing to look up. Oneness is! Naught but you and I exist as One, of course.

Permanent link to this Heavenletter: http://www.heavenletters.org/hallowed-be-thy-name.html – Thank you for including this when publishing this Heavenletter elsewhere.

Source: Rainbow Wave of Light
Hallowed Be Thy Name | Heavenletters #6378 Hallowed Be Thy Name | Heavenletters #6378 Reviewed by TerraZetzz on 7/13/2018 10:07:00 AM Rating: 5

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