Posted on May 22, 2018
By Lana Vawser
This is your season to discover in greater ways who you are and what the Lord has placed within your heart. This is your season to discover the passions, the purposes, the desires the Lord has placed in your heart. The Lord is stripping off expectations. He is stripping off “false pressures” of things that many have been feeling they “have to do” or “how things should be”.
The wind of the Spirit is blowing strongly over you right now to awaken within you the desires that HE has placed within you. He is freeing you from expectations that HE did NOT place upon you. He is freeing you from pressures that He did NOT put upon you.
He is bringing you into a deeper place of knowing the very desires and passions He placed within you and what causes you to “come alive”. He is highlighting these areas because great JOY is falling upon them.
Many of you have been in a place where you have been doing things because you think that’s what is expected or even what God expects, but the Lord showed me that in this SEASON OF SURPRISE He is going to awaken that deep place of REDISCOVERY within you to the true desires and passions that He has placed within you.
Many of you are about to move into a greater realm of PERMISSION and FREEDOM. Where the battle and circumstances have stolen the ability to dream, or lies of the enemy have come and said “God’s not on that” yet it’s a place that you feel “brings you to life”, the Lord is about to remove the haze and give you CONFIRMATION after CONFIRMATION that indeed this IS the place that He is breathing upon, and the enemy has been fighting you SO HARD to keep you from that place, because he KNOWS that’s a place where there is about to be a greater INCREASE of anointing and strategy released to you.
“Your pleasant path leads me to pleasant places. I’m overwhelmed by the privileges that come with following you, for you have given me the best!” – Psalm 16:6 (The Passion Translation)
There is such a MAJOR increase of JOY that is breaking forth upon the people of God right now where He is removing the false expectations and pressures of how you “thought” things should be, or lies that have told you “things should be this way”.
I saw Jesus breathing upon hearts and He was releasing life and digging deep into hearts asking questions “What are your dreams?”, “What is most important?” and with every pathway of processing with Him, there was such a beautiful freedom and awakening taking place where God’s people were rediscovering themselves again and realising how much the enemy has been attempting to keep them in bondage from the very things the Lord is breathing upon.
I heard the Lord say:
“Things are going to look different” and suddenly I saw blueprints being laid out before them and the title of the blueprints were “HOLY SPIRIT BLUEPRINTS”. The thing with these blueprints were they were FULL of JOY and Psalm 16:6… boundary lines falling in pleasant places… privileges… delight… pleasant pathways…
Many of you are about to move into a season of such incredible JOY as you realise that not only is the Lord breathing upon those things in your heart that you have been really longing for, but you are moving into a season where it will look completely different than before, but it is going to be the most life-giving, anointed, refreshing, strengthening season you have experienced. It’s all about to make sense why the enemy has been fighting this so much!!! The wisdom, the insight, the strategy the Lord is releasing and going to continue to increase of what this season looks like is going to leave you in such wonder of who He is and His goodness.
I heard the Lord say that many in this season are going SO DEEP with Him into this season of REDISCOVERY, rediscovering who they are, their desires, gifts, passions and who He is, that many will find such a depth of freedom and joy that the declaration from their heart and mouths will be “This is the BEST season of my life so far”.
There is going to be MORE FRUIT and anointing than you have experienced as you move deeper into this slipstream of His grace, being freed from false expectations and pressures and moving deeper in what He is breathing upon and joy is landing upon!
I hear Him whispering “You have permission”. Those of you who have been plagued by fear of “That can’t be God” because of these false expectations and pressures, the Lord is about to RADICALLY confirm to you that what you are dreaming about IS from Him and you have permission to THROW YOURSELF COMPLETELY into it following His leading and being cut off and set free from these false expectations that you, others or the enemy have placed upon you.
The Lord showed me that in this season of REDISCOVERY there is a beautiful shifting and shaking of PRIORITIES that the Lord is causing. He is asking the question “What’s more important?”
In this great shifting, shaking and sifting of priorities, you are going to find the most ABUNDANT LAND of blessing, outpouring, joy, encounter, strategy and increase than you have known.
The land is OVERFLOWING with the revelation of John 10:10.
“A thief has only one thing in mind—he wants to steal, slaughter, and destroy. But I have come to give you everything in abundance, more than you expect—life in its fullness until you overflow!” – (The Passion Translation)
You have battled the thief for SO long, now it is time, in the shifting, shaking and sifting of priorities to know ABUNDANT LIFE in Jesus like you have never known before. In you following the prompting of the Holy Spirit in some DIVINE SHIFTING OF PRIORITIES you are entering deeper into the manifestation of John 10:10.
There’s an invitation upon us, to sit with Jesus, to sit with the Lord and ask the question “What is most important?”, “Help me to prioritise and sow into first and foremost what YOU are highlighting for this season”. Many of you will find a lot of the things you thought were priorities, fall to the way side as the Spirit of God highlights the divine order of this season, but oh the fruit and abundant blessings you shall move into following His leading!
Oh how the kindness of God is about to be revealed in even greater ways and bring you further into the manifestation of the abundant life that is already yours in Him!!!!!
Source: Lana Vawser Ministries
Your Season of Deep Rediscovery | Lana Vawser
Reviewed by TerraZetzz
5/22/2018 09:19:00 AM