Jared Rand’s “Guided Global Meditation Call”
Sunday May 20, #98
Notes by Juli Joy
We've reached over 50,000 participants, from around the world.
After the welcome, Jarad Rand says: “Sorry for being late, had some technical issues, on not being able to log in, on the call. Some energies… trying to block the activity, which failed! Today, in the meditation, we’re looking at: We’ve got some, not as people think, as super serious as probably people think in Hawaii? With the problems with the Caldera out there, what's been going on, and the lava lake and the different activities.
We need to put our attention on the planet, to neutralize all the nefarious activities and that are going on, on the planet. Since there is so many falsifications of truth, running rampant across the media circles, both Internet and television and paper and ‘every which way but loose,’ as far as false information and misinformation and misguided information and causing people to believe certain things and lose hope, lose faith, in good things and positive things.
I've always talked about ‘not allowing yourself to be pulled into the movie’ and it's very easy, to have that happen. Even for people who are awake. Before they know it, because are so many people around them, there’s so much negative news. There’s so many negative things going on. Polling, all over this planet….that people find themselves ‘caught in the movie, in the drama and the acting, as if it's real.’ We are here, to neutralize nefarious activities. You know, underhanded, dark. ‘Evil is destruction, light is creation’ and we’re here to right the wrongs, of so many years on this planet, when the human race that have gone on. And to neutralize activities, of the population of the demons and the different hierarchies on the planet, that are basically hell-bent for self-destruction.
We are here to create. We are here to create peace, prosperity, happiness, joy, peace, goodness, calmness and passiveness. We all have learned that the struggle for anger and aggression has not accomplished anything for the human race. It never has. Anger and aggression, destructive energy. Killing, maiming, murdering, pillaging, blowing up…. all of that stuff. That is the dark agenda’s progression.
So today in the meditation, we’re going to do our meditation on neutralizing, any technologies that are interfering with the natural progression of planet Earth. We’re talking about HARP. I don't care what it is? Microwave energies, plasma energies, Beam weaponry, underground installations. All of it. Etherical energies. We are here, in this meditation, to neutralize all negative energies on planet Earth, that closed the activity, neutralizing that activity, the calming it, out in Hawaii and neutralizing all demonic activity, permanently…. on the planet. As we visualize it. And what that will do is, that we will replace that with a light, love, prosperity, peace, happiness, joy (Major interference) Visualize that joy, for all of humanity, in the entire planet…”
Once again, I remind you that this is not a complete transcription. I'm merely trying to help raise the world's vibration, by sharing information about this Mass Meditation process.
Many blessings to you all.... May all of your dreams come true!
Juli Joy
*The Guided Global Meditation will start on Everyday @ 3 pm EST & continue on a DAILY basis at the same time.
**Number to call in is 641-715-0857 Code is 303471#
** If you are unable to make it at that time the playback number is 641-715-3579 (same code)
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Jared Rand’s Guided Global Meditation Call (5/20/18) | Notes by Juli Joy
Reviewed by TerraZetzz
5/21/2018 01:33:00 PM