Jared Rand’s “Guided Global Meditation Call”
Saturday May 12, 2018 #90
Notes by Juli Joy
We have passed the 40,000 mark of participants!
After the welcome, Jarad Rand says: “I wanted to address a couple things. Some people have written in and say that when they go in the meditation, they going to a hypnotic trance. What that means and is basically understand that you're leaving your physical body and entering your Higher Self. You're kind of entering an etherical energy or etherical existence. So, you actually leave your physical body, when you join your Higher Self. Some people experience like a hypnotic trance-like situation that their bodies go into. Which is perfectly normal, it’s not the anything to be alarmed about. So that you're flowing well and correctly.
Today, on our meditation of course, we have to pay attention to Hawaii. It's getting a little hairy there so we want to direct our Love and our attention to that island, the Big Island, and all the landmass. To lighten the activity of the flow of lava, so that the people in the land are not violently disturbed. So… that's what today's meditation will be on, as we apply it. You know this meditation is about to direct the energies towards areas that have trouble, and danger and threatened. You know, physical well-being and we have that ability and were blessed with it. So utilize it and Prime Source Creator God guides us to do wherever we can assist or help on the planet as we ’re growing. We’ve passed the 40,000 mark of participants, so we’re going to just keep growing. Just keep growing on a daily basis and whether it's in another three or four people a day or 500 or a thousand, just keep growing and growing and growing. The more people that join the family, the better. So we got people calling out and Social Media and talking.
Once people find out it's simple, that they don't have to take a Ph.D. thesis, in order to participate, they understand and it and it flows better and it's much more easy for them to participate. Because this is guided, all they’ve got to do is follow this guidance going to not without any expectations. That's one of the purposes of these meditations is that people don't have any expectations. You just flow with it, you go with your heart.
So if anybody has or goes through a trance or a hypnotic type feeling, that is because they are entering their Higher Self. When you go into your Inner Self, your Heart Center and then you see your Higher Self. You join your Higher Self, you leave the physical body behind, once you're with your Higher Self. The physical body kinda sits in a trance, while you meditate. So it’s separation.
To give you an example of that, it's a pretty darn good depiction and I think most of you folks would be able to identify with it. The Dr. Strange movie, where he actually…. his body is asleep in bed and he’s sitting at the end of the bed, reading a book. His etherical self, his spirit, his soul, his Higher Self, is sitting reading a book while his body is sleeping. It kind of gives you a good visual. If we could see… which we eventually can, we don't comprehend it but eventually, you’re going to be able to see yourself outside the body. You’ll look at your body but you won't be in your body. Your body will be sleeping. Eventually, that will become an everyday occurrence, where it won’t be a big deal. You just notice that you now are able to move freely within and without the body. So part of the meditation process is: So you literally can educate yourself and read…. different types of materials without using the body and let the body rest, while your Higher Self or Spirit is educating. So it's quite interesting but there are some depictions that are third-dimensional energies… support and present and kind of connect the dots.
So again, what I'd like everybody to do is to visualize and I know some of you are saying that you’re living out there but you can see from the air …the lava flows and what's happening. You can kind of visualize that and we’re going to send rain, the Golden White Pink Light Rain of Prime Source Creator God's Unconditional Unending Love, to cool lava and to diffuse the heat and to cool the heat process, so that the liquid rock doesn't flow and it stops flowing and it just turns into liquid rock and to visualize that. Watch it as the rain hits it, in the Golden White Pink Light rain is not going to cause steam. Which would cause more pressure, it's just gonna diffuse the heat, cause the heat to dissipate and cause it from spreading and flowing, from the actual volcanic, the lava lake, from where all the lava is flowing from and to picture it and to cool it, from the inside out. Not from typical “water rain” but from the Golden White Pink Light Rain, which is the Prime Source Creator God's Unconditional Unending Love, as we all know and it will diffuse the lava flow. Quite frankly, Prime Source Creator Gods hand, repurposing and rerouting and causing it to stop the flow. That's kind of visualization that we want to pick up when we go into meditation.
Sometimes, you'll have…. it'll be difficult and empty the mind and the chatter and it that's pretty normal but a lot of the times, when I say empty your pockets. It's like you had a bunch of stuff in your pocket, a bunch of stuff in your mind, so as a visual, you empty your pockets and that's the visual to give you on how you're emptying your mind. To get rid of that chatter. It ’s just getting quiet… because we pick up this chatter it's just like it's like noise… from people talking, from thought processes and all this stuff that we absorb and it's like a vacuum that we pull within and we have all these ideas and all these thoughts and all the worries and all these fears and all the stresses, that are just constantly piling up in our minds. So to help with the meditation, you dump the mind, alleviate it, which allows you to go into a much easier meditation. You don't care to go into meditation, with your mind super active and full of all of these thoughts and everything, cause you want your focus to be on what we’re meditating on and what we want to help with and assist…..”
Once again, I remind you that this is not a complete transcription. I'm merely trying to help raise the world's vibration, by sharing information about this Mass Meditation process.
Many blessings to you all.... May all of your dreams come true!
Juli Joy
*The Guided Global Meditation will start on Everyday @ 3 pm EST & continue on a DAILY basis at the same time.
**Number to call in is 641-715-0857 Code is 303471#
** If you are unable to make it at that time the playback number is 641-715-3579 (same code)
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Jared Rand’s Guided Global Meditation Call (5/12/18) | Notes by Juli Joy
Reviewed by TerraZetzz
5/13/2018 11:18:00 PM