Jim Carrey ~ The Truth Behind The Madness
I seem to be telepathically interconnected to Cosmic Identity while, still in a physical body here in Duality-suffering time-illusion Karmic-lifetimes apprised-Acuity, and like with enlightening Satori experiences, Joy in cooperating Harmony for~every~where is Alive Spiritual Sovereign Singular reality, and coming back down to Duality awakens enough painful suffering discernment, to make a Sentient Light Being want of nothing here.
Normal every day evil illusions, from constant battering fear, and control victim-role murder is enough vulnerability to enhance my desire to remain apprised in the High Light-frequency vibration Delight Bonding Communion, totally missing here in Demon-filled Earth Quarantine from the rest of the Universe Flux-flow freeing energy deathlessness.
For example, lately as I write about Creation-evil in a physical addiction Mother-role of hate, without forgiveness, or amends to those harmed by overpopulation, already destroying a whole Planet, just for survival of evil’s sake, ‘lonely’ is the Kind~vigil in a paradigm wanting death to remain the Matrix we die by, seems as silly, as everything else Earthling Karmic lifetime Illusions favor, over deathless Kind Cosmic Universal Identity reality for~every~where else, but suffering Earth victimhood addiction en masse.
Body memory pain thousands of years old in the Body-silo of suffering separation from the Light, really gets old in a sick, and dying body so, even falling down reminds me of, all the ways ‘small identity’ limited-gender gets to fast-feel past-asleep enough to prefer dying here, instead of, not pretending suffering is happiness in Duality any more. Maybe that’s the deepest pain here, is to experience every day Singularity freedom, without anyone else close to share how ugly Earth environment smothers the life right out of Death-paradigm devotees, acting as happy as a hairless-clam fixing everything, that keeps breaking down all the Time in this Atomic nuclear cell-division carbon-base victim-Dating Half-life Karmic lifetimes dissonance degeneration Illusion.
Everything about degeneration suffering remains an Illusion of Karma, but hardly anyone, even wants to believe reincarnation distraction communication, that prevents us from, at least seeing how we suffer such a limited understanding of evil-motives, that run this physical-role, anti-Love anti-Singularity appraised denial of Life Mother Mafia Money-for sex Blackmail Matrix. If Duality, accidentally invented free energy Sources, we would weaponize free-energy as fast as we weaponize children to triangulate family hatred into, ever increasing need for more Karmic-hate lifetimes, than xenophobic Earth can, even genocidal-support any more.
See what I mean about waking up in Immortal Love Singularity, yet to express this much empathy is like taking the name of Duality in vain from Earth’s sleeping denial-rule to ‘don’t talk, don’t think, and, certainly don’t ever feel’ past the gossip that, controls character assassination in Death Paradigm’s, very dumbed down Fried DNA denial Collective Goliath quilting unconscious-weave imbedded minion-guilting. What degenerating survivalist from unhappy Earth-vestment doesn’t want to remain in illusory control over waking up would allow, such expressions from a Kind-intention to help save all Earthlings from themselves, really?
So an enlightened Sentient Light Being risks the little bit of, rare life on Earth to save us, all from extermination, and voila, comes the awful pain of knowing there, really isn’t, very good company, where addiction to the anti Christ Light Satanic physical-role would, even give Christ no other choice, but to leave us alone, and let us suffer as much as we seem to demand we, all need to keep doing the same evil things, expecting different results. Now that’s about as crazy as it gets, when the Mother-pot calls the child’s, only ex-father-kettle orphan-black, not bastard-patsy under the bus War-sacrifice back, in Satanic-homeless New Age BS Kissinger-feminist social-engineering Soros hate-imprisonment Matriarch-victimhood again.
As long as Demons mind control ‘divide and conquer’ social-systems, and no one is allowed to, even identify their evil ways, still in collective-denial sick-loyalty to Demon abusers, who among us is ready to welcome a Sentient Light Being telepathically when, all humans communicate is separation Duality polarization character assassination call 911-addiction our chief elite Demon support that, just does paperwork, as fast as ‘cleaners’ can get rid of all the dead bodies ‘SWAT like flies’ too close to Monster Goliath Collective slave-catcher control-Central.
I notice a certain, very welcome freedom not to censure my, own Kind insights about Earth Duality-evil running rampart, so even this much more clarity makes me feel more vulnerable as if, intuitively I realize I am not long for this deeper discernment freedom. Who would take an innocent child into an industrial construction site, yet Earth families remain Earth World War replications from gender bigotry Hell, so whats the difference here; yet I, just don’t understand, and I don’t, even want to give it an Earthlinger Karmic-shit slinger-try any victim Mother-suffering codependent-family ‘no-winners’ more.
A new paradigm is like Death Paradigm dying altogether, where Heaven within NOTHING is the same any more, absolutely Nothing, and I liken this complete paradigm shift to all Earthlings, all at once becoming migrant survivalists where NOTHING, absolute Nothing is the same any more, either, so one way or another everything we desperately cling to now isn’t even going to be a choice, will it Mother Earth Stockholm Syndrome abuse-addicted Deathlingers? Ever hear the Spiritual Sovereign Singularity NOTHINGNESS-One about we don’t get to take it with us, even hairless?
I seem to be telepathically interconnected to Cosmic Identity while, still in a physical body here in Duality-suffering time-illusion Karmic-lifetimes apprised-Acuity, and like with enlightening Satori experiences, Joy in cooperating Harmony for~every~where is Alive Spiritual Sovereign Singular reality, and coming back down to Duality awakens enough painful suffering discernment, to make a Sentient Light Being want of nothing here.
Normal every day evil illusions, from constant battering fear, and control victim-role murder is enough vulnerability to enhance my desire to remain apprised in the High Light-frequency vibration Delight Bonding Communion, totally missing here in Demon-filled Earth Quarantine from the rest of the Universe Flux-flow freeing energy deathlessness.
For example, lately as I write about Creation-evil in a physical addiction Mother-role of hate, without forgiveness, or amends to those harmed by overpopulation, already destroying a whole Planet, just for survival of evil’s sake, ‘lonely’ is the Kind~vigil in a paradigm wanting death to remain the Matrix we die by, seems as silly, as everything else Earthling Karmic lifetime Illusions favor, over deathless Kind Cosmic Universal Identity reality for~every~where else, but suffering Earth victimhood addiction en masse.
Body memory pain thousands of years old in the Body-silo of suffering separation from the Light, really gets old in a sick, and dying body so, even falling down reminds me of, all the ways ‘small identity’ limited-gender gets to fast-feel past-asleep enough to prefer dying here, instead of, not pretending suffering is happiness in Duality any more. Maybe that’s the deepest pain here, is to experience every day Singularity freedom, without anyone else close to share how ugly Earth environment smothers the life right out of Death-paradigm devotees, acting as happy as a hairless-clam fixing everything, that keeps breaking down all the Time in this Atomic nuclear cell-division carbon-base victim-Dating Half-life Karmic lifetimes dissonance degeneration Illusion.
Everything about degeneration suffering remains an Illusion of Karma, but hardly anyone, even wants to believe reincarnation distraction communication, that prevents us from, at least seeing how we suffer such a limited understanding of evil-motives, that run this physical-role, anti-Love anti-Singularity appraised denial of Life Mother Mafia Money-for sex Blackmail Matrix. If Duality, accidentally invented free energy Sources, we would weaponize free-energy as fast as we weaponize children to triangulate family hatred into, ever increasing need for more Karmic-hate lifetimes, than xenophobic Earth can, even genocidal-support any more.
See what I mean about waking up in Immortal Love Singularity, yet to express this much empathy is like taking the name of Duality in vain from Earth’s sleeping denial-rule to ‘don’t talk, don’t think, and, certainly don’t ever feel’ past the gossip that, controls character assassination in Death Paradigm’s, very dumbed down Fried DNA denial Collective Goliath quilting unconscious-weave imbedded minion-guilting. What degenerating survivalist from unhappy Earth-vestment doesn’t want to remain in illusory control over waking up would allow, such expressions from a Kind-intention to help save all Earthlings from themselves, really?
So an enlightened Sentient Light Being risks the little bit of, rare life on Earth to save us, all from extermination, and voila, comes the awful pain of knowing there, really isn’t, very good company, where addiction to the anti Christ Light Satanic physical-role would, even give Christ no other choice, but to leave us alone, and let us suffer as much as we seem to demand we, all need to keep doing the same evil things, expecting different results. Now that’s about as crazy as it gets, when the Mother-pot calls the child’s, only ex-father-kettle orphan-black, not bastard-patsy under the bus War-sacrifice back, in Satanic-homeless New Age BS Kissinger-feminist social-engineering Soros hate-imprisonment Matriarch-victimhood again.
As long as Demons mind control ‘divide and conquer’ social-systems, and no one is allowed to, even identify their evil ways, still in collective-denial sick-loyalty to Demon abusers, who among us is ready to welcome a Sentient Light Being telepathically when, all humans communicate is separation Duality polarization character assassination call 911-addiction our chief elite Demon support that, just does paperwork, as fast as ‘cleaners’ can get rid of all the dead bodies ‘SWAT like flies’ too close to Monster Goliath Collective slave-catcher control-Central.
I notice a certain, very welcome freedom not to censure my, own Kind insights about Earth Duality-evil running rampart, so even this much more clarity makes me feel more vulnerable as if, intuitively I realize I am not long for this deeper discernment freedom. Who would take an innocent child into an industrial construction site, yet Earth families remain Earth World War replications from gender bigotry Hell, so whats the difference here; yet I, just don’t understand, and I don’t, even want to give it an Earthlinger Karmic-shit slinger-try any victim Mother-suffering codependent-family ‘no-winners’ more.
A new paradigm is like Death Paradigm dying altogether, where Heaven within NOTHING is the same any more, absolutely Nothing, and I liken this complete paradigm shift to all Earthlings, all at once becoming migrant survivalists where NOTHING, absolute Nothing is the same any more, either, so one way or another everything we desperately cling to now isn’t even going to be a choice, will it Mother Earth Stockholm Syndrome abuse-addicted Deathlingers? Ever hear the Spiritual Sovereign Singularity NOTHINGNESS-One about we don’t get to take it with us, even hairless?
Blissful Innocent Vulnerability | Holy Spirituality within Pine Cone
Reviewed by TerraZetzz
5/21/2018 12:55:00 PM